Exercise classes

Explore Montage Wellness Center’s 由专业教练设计和带领的团体健身课程. Whatever your current fitness level, you’ll find an option for a fun, effective workout. 团体课程开放给全球网络赌博平台中心的会员.

Class costs and fees

If you’re a 全球网络赌博平台中心会员, your membership fully covers the cost of most classes at the facility or facilities you belong to. 额外收费的课程在课程描述中被标注为“收费”.

如果你是会员,但不在提供你想要的课程的地点, 你可以付一小笔费用来注册那门课.

Class descriptions

每个地点提供不同的活动,教师和课程安排. Though our classes are subject to change, we typically offer the following on an ongoing basis.

Aquatic classes

跳进游泳池进行有效的锻炼,带来效果. Water provides natural resistance and supports your joints so you can move and bend more easily.

Class name Class description Available location(s)
Aqua Aerobics 随着音乐运动可以促进心血管健康. 锻炼是中等水平和低影响的. Marina
Aqua Zumba® 享受一个有趣的,高能量的,具有挑战性的,健美的有氧运动. Aqua Zumba® combines Latin music rhythms and dance steps, creating a pool party atmosphere.




Barre is a form of exercise that incorporates movements associated with ballet and dance.

Class name Class description Available locations
Barre 注意你的姿势,呼吸,伸展你的整个身体. This class can help you build joint strength and flexibility while improving your balance. Marina

Better balance

努力实现更好的平衡和稳定等目标, including strength, flexibility, and fall prevention.

Class name Class description Available locations
Balance and Recovery Use different exercises to increase muscle flexibility and recovery and stabilize your core. Marina
Better Bones and Balance 如果你有矫形限制或受伤, focus on improving your bone and joint health and balance through low-impact exercises. Marina
Core Balance Use Swiss balls, bands, straps, 和垫子来加强你的腹部, back, 在这个全面的锻炼项目中.



Core strength

Target your abdominal muscles to improve the strength and stability of your core.

Class name Class description Available locations
Core Balance Use Swiss balls, bands, straps, 和垫子来加强你的腹部, back, 在这个全面的锻炼项目中.



Core Conditioning 如果你有矫形限制或受伤, focus on improving your bone and joint health and balance through low-impact exercises. Marina
Core Pilates 在普拉提中,核心被认为是所有运动的起源. Pilates uses different movement patterns to target the core muscles and increase support of the spine.   



Core Strength and Flexibility 在上半节课的时候, 你会加强核心肌肉群(臀部), abdominals, and lower back). 下半场强调基本的灵活性,以提高运动, lean muscle tone, and reduced joint stress. Salinas

你可能也对普拉提感兴趣, 另一个核心强化练习, 两家店都有售.



Class name Class description Available locations
Bells and Bands Use equipment like kettlebells, resistance bands, and Versa loops during this high-energy class.



Bootcamp Challenge yourself with a mix of cardiovascular and strength exercises during a variation of partner and circuit workouts. Marina
Strength Circuit Increase strength, agility, coordination, 有氧健身,当你通过运动站的循环运动. Marina
Full Body Mobility Ease joint pain and stiffness and increase your flexibility and range of motion. Marina
Total Body Conditioning Target all major muscle groups through high repetition of a barbell workout using light-to-moderate weights. Salinas

Group personal training

你可以在个人培训中得到同样专业的、深入的指导 personal training 会议在一个更具成本效益,小组环境. Montage Wellness Center – Salinas offers group classes designed for participants of all fitness and experience levels.

使用专用设备跟随一个独特的, 循环式的形式,提供最有效的全身锻炼. Your certified trainer will offer tips and support as you move through activities that combine cardiovascular conditioning and strength-building.

Healthy back, bones, and heart

针对身体的特定区域,我们的基础课程:健康背部, Healthy Bones, or Healthy Heart and Bones.

Class name Class description Available locations
Healthy Back Take part in guided exercises to strengthen the back and all supporting muscle groups to relieve pain and reduce back tightness.  



Healthy Bones Practice safe bone-loading exercises to increase bone density and progressively reduce the effects of osteopenia and osteoporosis.  



Cardio Dance 在玩乐的同时改善心血管健康. 在我们的有氧舞蹈课上,工作和跳舞可以同时进行, no dance background required. 你会一边学习一边欣赏好音乐.  Marina


Take part in a martial arts-based workout that burns calories and relieves stress.

Class name Class description Available locations
Kickboxing Punch, kick, and integrate plyometrics (short bursts of maximum force) during this high-energy class. 你会发现你的能量水平、肌肉力量和张力都有所改善. Marina

If you or a loved one with a neurological condition are interested in improving your balance through boxing, 查看我们的平衡改善课程列表. 拳击平衡是一个收费的课程,可在我们的码头位置.

Flexibility and stretching

Stretching not only feels good, it can help improve your physical abilities and performance during other activities.

Class name Class description Available locations
Roll and Recovery Use foam rolling, stretching, and mobility drills to increase strength and range of motion. This class is a great introduction to mobility routines and a perfect warm-up or a cool down for other activities.



除了这些注重灵活性的类之外, 你可能对太极和瑜伽感兴趣, which offer similar benefits.


看到你的平衡能力和体力有很大的不同, especially in your core, 不会给你的关节施加压力.

Class name Class description Available locations
Pilates Maximize your core strength while toning your muscles and improving your flexibility and coordination. 这个班是完美的初学者谁想要介绍普拉提垫. Marina

Senior exercise classes

发现健身课程为所有活动水平的老年人设计. 全球网络赌博平台中心会员s over age 65 can take advantage of free activities, no registration required.

Spin® class (indoor cycling)

You’ll leave the fitness center feeling great and glowing after pedaling your way through our energizing indoor cycling classes.

Class name Class description Available locations
Indoor Cycling Jump on a Schwinn Carbon Blue spin bike to burn calories during this high-intensity, low-impact class.



Spin Generate a serious sweat. 你将模拟一场充满山丘、短跑和其他地形的户外骑行. 如果你是一个新的自行车爱好者, 你会喜欢学习如何调整你的自行车, proper breathing techniques, 和身体的调整,使你的锻炼尽可能有效.



Tai chi

我们两家店都提供太极,一种古老的武术形式. 好处包括提高平衡、敏捷、力量和协调能力.

Class name Class description Available locations
Tai Chi I Work on your balance and coordination using traditional tai chi movements in a slow and deliberate manner. Tai chi helps to improve overall coordination while teaching proper breathing techniques. 有初级和中级班可供选择.  



Tai Chi – Various Programs Take advantage of different types of classes that build on the disciplines of tai chi, 包括在温水池里打太极或推手. Marina


Enjoy the many rewards of yoga, from improving your flexibility and strength to easing aches and pains and improving your mental and spiritual well-being. 我们提供各种技能水平的课程.

Class name Class description Available locations
Chair Yoga Chair yoga practices yoga poses and movements while seated or using a chair to assist in balance. Chair yoga offers many similar benefits to traditional yoga such as boosting strength, flexibility, and mental health. 


Hatha Yoga Hatha yoga uses breathing techniques while holding yoga poses to increase and channel vital energy throughout the body. 在梵语中,Hatha意为生命力.  



Mindful Meditation Mindful meditation is a type of yoga which focuses on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment. 练习正念包括练习呼吸技巧, using guided imagery, 通过语言放松来帮助释放压力,减少焦虑.   Marina
Restorative Yoga Restorative yoga holds restful poses for longer durations using props like yoga blocks and bolsters. 这种瑜伽强调深度放松和冥想. Marina
Yoga Flow Move through various yoga poses at a smooth pace as you synchronize your breathing. 经验是有帮助的,但不是必需的. Marina


Class name Class description Available locations
Aqua Zumba® 享受一个有趣的,高能量的,具有挑战性的,健美的有氧运动. Aqua Zumba combines Latin music rhythms and dance steps, creating a pool party atmosphere. 



Strong by Zumba® 这是一种HIIT风格的锻炼,比常规尊巴的强度更高. Participants use their bodyweight to do upper and lower body movements like lunges, squats, kicks, punches, push-up and sit-ups. 这种尊巴风格的音乐也更加激烈,比如EDM或hip-hop. Marina
Zumba® 享受易于遵循的动作,因为你跳舞的节奏拉丁音乐. This fun, aerobic workout burns calories and leaves participants smiling and energized. Marina

Other wellness classes

Check 蒙太奇全国网赌正规平台在线日历 对于非运动类课程,包括讲座、支持小组和其他活动.

View class schedules

Download the latest schedules with class dates and times, assigned instructors, and intensity levels

Marina Class Calendar [PDF]

Salinas Class Calendar [PDF]

Become a member

Schedule a time to tour our facilities and learn more about the perks of 全球网络赌博平台中心会员ship. Contact us online or call:

  • 码头位置:(831)883-5656
  • 萨利纳斯位置:(831)622-6900